Costa Logistics Packers and Movers

COSTA Logistics Destination Service

Costa Quality Destination Service Provider Company in Pakistan

Our brief relocation services have proven effective outsource solutions for even the most challenging mobility programs. Whether you need to find executive accommodation, arrange a look-see trip, or schedule we can tailor high-quality, great-value solutions to meet all your corporate relocation goals.

When it comes time to repatriate your assignees, we provide back to country services to facilitate their returns to their home or onward assignments.

  • Area orientation School Search
  • Settling In Assistance
  • Home Search
  • Home Finding
  • Temporary Housing
  • Banking
  • Transport
  • Local Community Awareness
  • Language Skills
  • Custom Clearance
  • Door Delivery
  • Unloading / Unpacking
  • Trucking Port To Door
  • Complete Destination Delivery Service
  • Removal Trash

Move to a new location brings opportunity for a new adventure. Relocating normally means a step toward fulfilling a person's hopes and dreams. However, the actual move from departure to destination can be a challenge, and, if handled poorly, can frustrate with the benefits of the move. All of us at COSTA Destination Services aspire to shift the burden of the move from the relocating family to us.

COSTA is the leading provider of destination services. For more than 6 years we have helped thousands of families relocate all over the world. COSTA believes in the faith of commitment to excellence for our corporate clients and their relocating employees.

COSTA's Destination Services will help the assignee and their families become acclimated quickly to their new home environment. Our goal is to handle the details of the relocation, allowing the assignee and family to focus on their new life. Each service offering is tailored to meet the special needs of the assignee and their family.

COSTA's team of Destination Services consultants have been carefully selected for their expert local knowledge as well as their reveal sensitivity to each assignee's unique needs. We approach every assignee with a fresh and open mind. Our clients appreciate our efforts - and the results.

Selecting a destination service provider to handle all the details of a move is an important decision. An assignee and their family can make a smooth transition to the new location and begin to enjoy their new opportunity. That is our goal, and we do it better than anyone. Entrust your move to COSTA for an exceptional experience.

Contact us today to discuss your upcoming international move or employee relocation needs. We’ll put our expertise, resources and world-class service to work for you, ensuring a successful transition from door to door.

Doorstep to Destination personal Luggage Delivery Worldwide

Luggage forward services every zip code in the USA and more than 200 destinations and territories.

Our luggage forwarding service is a suitable and reliable alternative to checking baggage and all baggage will be delivered directly to your destination. Baggage delivery provides total travel convenience.

Household can be delivered directly to your hotel - typically it will even arrive before you do. You can travel luggage stress free, knowing that your Luggage Forward has coordinated the delivery of your bags with the hotel and they will be held in a secure location until your arrival.